Hybrid Metrics & Hybrid Reporting - what are they good for? -> Transparency

Marco Rodzynek - Founder NOAH Advisors Ltd. and NOAH Conference - wrote a memo in LinkedIn.
"Probably the most interesting chart around ESG. How can we only invest 0.1% according to ESG but have 10+ ESG rating agencies constantly producing intransparent ratings. It is time the world takes our environment serious. It is outrageous that they are still cutting forest for palm oil mono cultures. How are we going to change course of our super tanker? I can only hope that 'We Don't Have Time' will change this terrible picture. time to act - world! we do not have time!
Ingmar Rentzhog and I will have 3 sessions next week explaining the vision of We Don't Have Time. We are looking for partners and investors. We are ready to close the gap between ESG promises and the reality by aggregating all sources. stay tuned. please reach out to me, if you like to get invited to hear the story of what adventure we are getting ourselves into. It has never been done before."

Go to that LinkedIn memo

ESG Investment Transparency with Vector based Hybrid Value Metrics

Hybrid Metrics

X- and Y-Axis with same scale.
Download Excel

Visualizing Shared Value

X- and Y-Axis in absolut numbers.

Visualizing Shared Value

Visualizing Investment in Non-ESG and in ESG Fonds.
Download Excel template to visualize your specific numbers.

Other Options for using/visualizing Hybrid Metrics.

Visualizing is key for better transfer of insights to others' understanding.
Below some solutions from the "measuring and visualizing multidimensional metrics" part. Download and try Excel templates. No registration needed.

Hybrid Metrics Boxed

Hybrid Metrics in Boxes.
Download Excel

Excel template for visualizing Hybrid Metrics

Numbers visualized in a profile -
Download Excel Template here

Excel template for visualizing Hybrid Metrics

Another visualization option
Enhanced Excel Template here

Excel template for visualizing Hybrid Metrics - two profiles

Want to compare two profiles? Download template here

Hybrid Metrics

Go to visualizing Hybrid Metrics as Value Profiles in EXCEL.
Go to templates

Try Excel interactive on WEB

Go to interactive Excel (in web) at "winformation.org"
link here

Measuring Performance in a Knowledge Economy

Read "Measuring Performance" in Hybrid Metrics Framework
link here

Hybrid Metrics

Take the experience of FSG using Hybrid Metrics.
Go to the FSG special page.

Purpose of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model) is to enhance classic economics by
(i) including intangible assets as the common (re)source of welfare and wealth and
(ii) disclosing a vector based hybrid value principle enabling monetary AND nonmonetary dimensions as a compound/hybrid measure.